Say Hello To The O-Shot®

And You Will Be Saying Ooooo For Real!

Anti Aging

Remember that iconic scene in “When Harry Met Sally,” and Meg Ryan faked an orgasm right in the middle of the deli.  We have all been there before, satisfying our partner, but leaving ourselves unsatisfied.  Did you know that 1 in 20 women suffer from some sort of female sexual dysfunction. The O-Shot® is a new technique to use your own plasma (PRP) to regenerate cells within the vagina, increase sexually satisfaction and decreasing urinary incontinence.

There are over 50 million women in the US alone that suffer in silence.  Additionally, there are over 20 FDA approved drugs for male sexually dysfunction.  It’s 2015 and equality of the sexes is finally here. Women:  Do not suffer in silence anymore, the O-Shot will do wonders for your sexual satisfaction and aid in urinary incontinence. Contact Dr. Slater for your free initial consult. Female sexual problems, and urinary incontinence knows no age.  Problems can start as young as 20 years old and carry on into your late 70’s. The O-Shot has been seen on Oprah, Cosmo, Fox News, RedBook, Dr. OZ and The Doctors.

What Is The O-Shot®

The O-Shot ® procedure works by using PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy)to stimulate stem cells to grow healthier vaginal tissue.  This has been used effectively in the Vampire Facial™ to rejuvenate and increase collagen growth and healing in the face, skin, and neck.  Utilizing the discovery of the Vampire Facial™ and the amazing effects of PRP, Dr. Charles Runels MD has discovered that we can use PRP to increase sexual satisfaction as well as decrease urinary incontinence. The O-Shot procedure for processing the blood and injecting the growth factors takes less than 10 minutes in the doctor’s office after the plasma has been extracted.

What RESULTS will you experience?

Dr. Slater numbs the area with a local anesthetic (No Pain is experienced) prior to injecting the PRP into the clitoris and an area inside of the Vagina that is referred to as the O-Spot, a collection of structures that activate the orgasm system. The woman usually enjoys the effects of the O-Shot®almost immediately. There is many positive side effects, such as a decrease in urinary stress incontinence and as the growth factors begin to rejuvenate and enhance, the sexual response usually begins to heighten.

O-ShotSo, the O-Shot® (or Orgasm Shot®) is a nonsurgical procedure that uses the growth factors each woman has in her own body to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation to activate the Female Orgasm System. Thus far, almost all women receiving O-Shot™ procedure enjoy an increase in their sexual response, and for many the increase is dramatic.

The O-Shot® has been shown to improve the following female sexual problems:

  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Younger, smoother skin of the vulva (lips of the vagina).
  • A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)
  • Stronger orgasm
  • More frequent orgasm
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
  • Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Decreased urinary incontinence

Dr. Monte Slater has been a Board Certified OBGYN Doctor for over 28 years and decided to offer the O-Shot for Women and P-Shot for Men as an additional Anti-Aging Treatment to optimize Quality of Life and provide options to Patients interested in natural, non-surgical alternatives to improve overall sexual function in men and women.


He is now offering the O-Shot and P-Shot in 3 offices in the southeast and is happy to report that the feedback has been very positive.


The procedure is not painful nor lengthy.  Dr. Monte Slater will provide a local anesthetic prior to the procedure and assures the comfort of his patients in his boutique offices.

Offices include Slater Aesthetic Center for Anti Aging in Buckhead Atlanta, ABS Clinic in Warner Robins in Middle GA, and finally the newest location in Savannah at Savannah Anti Aging & Rejuvenation Center, an extension of Finger & Associates Plastic Surgery Center.