The P-Shot is a natural way for men to enhance and optimize without the side effects of prescription drugs.

The P-Shot is a natural way for men to enhance and optimize without the side effects of prescription drugs.

Prevent & Treat Erectile Dysfunction!

The P-Shot Explained

The P-Shot requires a specific method of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis and enhance overall male health! This is a treatment for men of all ages and is highly effective when it comes to increasing libido, size, and, orgasmic function.

Reasons why consider P-Shot for Male Rejuvenation

6 Reasons why you should consider the P-Shot for Male Rejuvenation

    1. There has not been an allergic reaction noted (PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma derived from your own body)
    2. No Downtime (Bruising is temporary and short-term)
    3. There is no lumpiness or scar tissue noted
    4. The effects last at least 18 months or longer
    5. There is actual growth of new tissue
    6. Enjoy a bigger & harder Penis almost immediately

The P-Shot is Platelet Rich Plasma from your own body re-introduced via injections into the penis. No Pain-Fast Results. Schedule with us today! 

What are some of the Benefits of the P-Shot?

    1. The penis should grow immediately larger
    2. The penis should grow stronger
    3. The penis should straighten
    4. Circulation in the penis should increase
    5. Other therapies such as Viagra or Cialis should be more effective if they are still necessary
    6. Sensation in the penis should increase, correcting damage from diabetes and making sex more pleasurable
    7. Specific areas, such as the head or the base of the penis, can be injected to increase size by design
    8. Use of the body’s own fluids means that there is no allergic reaction
    9. There is no lumpiness
    10. Minimal pain
    11. This method has shown a big improvement in most patients
    12. The result is improved blood flow, enhanced sensation, and potentially increased firmness.
    13. The P-Shot is known for its safety, minimal discomfort, and quick recovery time, making it a popular choice for men seeking natural and effective improvement in sexual performance and overall penile health.

Benefits of P Shot -Slater Aesthetics
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the P-Shot for men.

Patient: I did some research and most people say it takes three weeks to notice results but you said you saw it immediately. Please explain? Could it be that everyone reacts differently to it?

“Dr. Charles Runels” Inventor of the P-Shot answers important concerns:

If you read the numbers on the PRP research, then you will see something similar to what is commonly observed. The initial volume is the combination of the platelets and the serum (or water) in the blood plus all the growth factors in the water that the activated platelets are starting to release.
Then over the next three days, some of the water is absorbed by the body. Then there is the growth of new tissue that continues for at least 12 weeks–bringing the volume back up to close to where it was with the initial injection.

So, the volume goes up immediately, and then goes down to various degrees but slowly over the next three days. In some people this decrease in volume is very small, in others, it is a more noticeable decrease. In some, there is seen a growth back to where it was with the initial injection or better. In others, there is growth but not quite back to where it started. Smokers have the least amount of growth.

10 to 20% increase in length and girth. An inch in length (a little more) and girth was seen in the first two patients in the first month. Girth came first (with the injection), followed by increased length (with continued growth).

Directly into the shaft of the penis (corpus cavernosum) with a small needle, and into the head of the penis–in a way almost exactly as done with those who use injections for erectile dysfunction.

If you look at men who inject 3 to 5 times a week over many years for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, there is about a 10% incidence of scar tissue formation. This is with multiple injections for years. With this procedure, there is only one injection, so the chances of scar tissue should be almost nothing. In the face, there has not been a report of any fibrosis or scar tissue formation.

No, the P-Shot is virtually pain-free and patients are experiencing minimal discomfort and yes, it can be combined with shockwave therapy to enhance the results and to prevent and treat ED. In both cases, lidocaine ointment is used to numb the Penis. With the P-Shot a penis pump is used as well. The penis pump helps to produce micro-damage and this enhances the response of the activated growth factors. Doctor Slater our board-certified physician is an experienced male medical doctor specializing in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. Some patients experience pressure and a bit of discomfort for a very short period of time during the treatment. The benefits far outway the downside and initial anxiety, says Dr Slater.

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