Butt lift versus implants, what is the better option?

Butt Lift Versus Butt Implant

How many squats does it take to get a perfect, perky booty? The problem is, not two butts are created equal. Do you desire a perfect tush? Is your vision of a perfect butt, look like Kim K, Sofia Vergara or maybe Beyonce? Big, little, round, strong. Everyone has a different look they want for their butt. There are two different choices when it comes to plastic surgery and aesthetics to achieve the butt you’ve always wanted. You have the butt lift and butt implants, which do you choose? Dr. Monte Slater will help you achieve the butt you want! Contact us in Warner Robins for a butt lift! A butt lift with a fat transfer is called The Brazilian Butt lift, achieve a rounder, bigger butt Call the experts in Warner Robins (478) 225-2379 or Atlanta at 770-766-9684. Dr. Monte Slater is double board certified and has done hundreds of Butt lifts over the years. 

butt lift

A butt lift  performed with a fat transfer is called “The Brazilian Butt lift”, you can achieve a bigger rounder butt and remove fat from unwanted areas on your body! 

What is a butt lift?

Lower body, buttock and thigh lifting procedures are used to elevate the lower body, buttocks and thighs while excising redundant tissues. Excess skin and fat are removed and the remaining tissues are tightened to produce a more attractive body contour. The skin laxity and poor tone may be related to the normal aging process and genetics, pregnancy, or significant weight loss. Frequently, patients who have lost large amounts of weight benefit greatly from these procedures. After you’ve done the hard work and shed the pounds, the skin frequently remains loose and excessive. No matter how hard you try, you can’t alter your skin’s elasticity. A body lift is the answer. Those who have suffered the effects of gravity or pregnancy may also enjoy the results of a lifting operation. However, Dr. Slater only offers the Butt Lift with the patient’s own fat.  For excessive skin it might be necessary to seek a board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Slater will always let his patients know what the options are and make recommendations if he does not feel his technique is the best for you. 

Butt implants are sometimes necessary if the patient has no fat, the implants are the only option.  The most natural way to a shapely butt is the Brazilian Butt Lift. Butt Implants have come a long way and are no longer the rock hard versions from 1988. A silicone encased gel is used, much like with breast implants. The implants require a longer recovery, can be costly when performed by a board certified doctor. Just don’t opt for Butt Shots in a hotel somewhere! They often use industrial products that are toxic to the human body and have caused several deaths over the last decade. 

A butt lift is a body contouring procedure where excess skin is removed from the buttocks and the remaining skin is tightened and lifted higher for individuals with saggy skin around the buttocks area. The results are a firmer, lifted butt with more shape and the higher position also gives it a more youthful appearance. Dr. Monte Slater, does not perform this surgery. Since he only performs minimally invasive procedures, the way he performs it causes no extensive cutting or scaring. 

If the patient requires skin removal and extensive surgery, Dr. Slater will refer the patient to a well known board certified physician. 

He performs liposuction on the patient in the area of desire, purifies the fat and re-injects the fat into various areas of the buttocks. This is is done under local anesthesia and causes minimal pain and virtually no downtime. A few days of rest and discomfort and off you go to work. 

If you are looking to add volume to your butt, opt for the Brazilian butt lift via  fat transfer

Contact Dr. Slater today for your complimentary consultation


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