PLATELET RICH PLASMA THERAPY FOR ANTI-AGING & HEALING The Vampire Procedures for Anti-Aging PRP is the acronym that stands for Platelet Rich Plasma and PRP is known as the “Healing Power” within our blood. PRP has 8 Identifiable growth factors. Dr. Slater and his nurses harvest it by simply drawing blood from the patient and
Starting at around the age of 30, a man’s testosterone levels naturally start to decline. Men in Atlanta, Georgia have options in male enhancement. Testosterone is a hormone produced by the human body. It’s mainly produced in men by the testicles. This hormone affects a man’s appearance and sexual development. It stimulates sperm production as
Dr. Monte D. Slater – Top Sexual Health Care Expert Offers Life-Changing Solutions To End Intimacy Issues In Men & Women Best Self Atlanta 2019 Issue June/July Over 40 & Fabulous Advisory Board Member Dr. Monte D. Slater Creating A Comfortable And One-Of-A-Kind Anti-Aging Clinic Keeps Our Patients Coming Back Dr. Monte D. Slater and
Vampire Procedures offered by Dr. Monte Slater Vampire procedures were created by Dr. Charles Runels. Researchers found that PRP contains important growth factors. These specific growth factors aid in the healing process of joints, skin, scalp, and tissue. As we age our ability to heal declines, which is partly why we start to see
The P-Shot (The Priapus Shot) A new approach to treat erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunction The P-Shot has been found to aid in erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is curable and there are many treatment options to choose from. At Slater Aesthetic and Center for Anti-Aging we believe that the P-Shot is a viable treatment option. The P-Shot
Do you want to enhance overall sexual function? The P-Shot is the drug free solution to enhance overall sexual function and increase the length and girth of the penis. Decreased sexual function in males can be caused by many factors, and has been the topic of conversation in the medical field for many years. The
The O-Shot can improve the female’s sex life and reduce pain during intercourse for women. The P-Shot for men can directly impact the female sexual satisfaction with penis rejuvenation, without the use of harmful medication. Aesthetic Body Scupture Clinic and Center For Anti-Aging located in Buckhead, Atlanta, and Warren Robbins is the leading physician in
SLATER AESTHETIC & CENTER FOR ANTI-AGING OFFERS PRP THERAPY FOR VARIOUS ANTI-AGING AND COSMETIC PROCEDURES. Platelet Rich Plasma is the “Healing Power” within our blood. We harvest it by drawing blood, using a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the rest of the blood cells, all within a few minutes. Although blood is mainly a
THE COUPLES PRP TREATMENT IS THE SOLUTION TO A BETTER ADULT SEX LIFE! Improve Sexual Function You’ll both be singing ooooo-Shot and p-shot, with these two sex-life changing prp (platelet rich plasma therapy) shots. The science behind the vampire facial, Slater Aesthetic and Anti Aging Center now offers the O-Shot (orgasm) & The P-Shot (Papirius,
REGAIN YOUR SEXUAL CONFIDENCE Priapus Shot® The P-Shot™: A SPECIFIC WAY (protected by the US Patent & Trademark office) of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis (also known as the P-Shot™). (Charles Runels, MD, inventor of the P-Shot™) Priapus was the Greek God of Fertility and now is the original root of the