Hormones are some of the most important molecules that we have in our body and are responsible for making our body function at its peak.  As we age and deal with stress and the toxins in our environment, many people become hormone deficient, and therefore their performance declines and aging sets in. Indeed, we now believe that most chronic illnesses can be directly linked to lifestyle, diet, and loss of hormone balance. The good news is that now we have the ability and knowledge to measure and treat hormone deficiencies and restore a persons hormonal levels to that of a young person, bringing with it a new vitality, sense of well being, and ability to fight the processes that lead to aging and chronic illness. 


BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPYWe know that both men and women make the same hormones, just in different amounts and so how you treat people must be tailored to not only your sex but also to the individual person as needs will vary person to person.

Current traditional medicine still seems to be focused on reactive treatment once an illness occurs but does very little to prevent the onset of that illness in the first place, and not enough concern is given to what the side effects of the medicines given for chronic illnesses are on the body. Many deplete or affect essential vitamins and minerals, which in turn can impact the body directly or through decreased function of your hormones. Dont get me wrong, traditional medical practices remain essential in maintaining good health, but we now have the ability to move beyond reactive medicine and into proactive preventive medicine, maintaining a vital essence into our advanced years.

As a Physician Board Certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and in OB/GYN, my goal is to restore those hormonal levels to the same level you had as a young person, but to do so in a responsible way and using sound medical practices by measuring accurately what that individuals real needs are, prescribing high quality, appropriate hormone therapy and then maintaining vigilant follow up. It is important to know that the hormones need to be balanced to be safe. In estrogen replacement for example there are 5 different estrogens that must be balanced within a womans body, and commercial products only utilize one type and therefore their use will lead to an estrogen imbalance which can be dangerous for the patient. The days of just prescribing a patient some estrogen and seeing them in a year are long gone.

I now use only bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for treatment of my patients. That means the hormones I use are identical in chemical structure to the ones that your body has always used. Numerous studies have shown that using synthetic hormones may cause or stimulate cancers and when one looks at how hormones work, are synthesized and then degraded within the body, it is not surprising. The body really does not know what a synthetic hormone (like Premarin ® or Provera®) is and does not have the ability to properly utilize it or very importantly, to remove it in a timely fashion from the body. With use of bio-identical hormones the body recognizes the hormone, is able to get maximum benefit from it, and when it has served its purpose, to degrade and remove it from the body quickly, just like it did when you were young. Many studies have now shown that use of bio-identical hormones may actually be protective against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimers, and many other chronic illnesses.

The following are just a few of the benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy:

For Women: Bio-identical Hormone Therapy can:

Helps restore optimal hormonal balance to the body

Menopause symptoms may go away

Helps restore bone density and reduces the risk of Osteoporosis

Reduces vaginal dryness

Helps eliminate hot flashes

May help improve sleep patterns

May help reduce the risk of heart disease

Supports muscle strength and maintenance

May help improve memory and concentration

May help slow down the aging process overall

May help improve healthy cholesterol levels

May help enhance sex drive and libido

Can reduce the risk of Alzheimers

Helps reduce night sweats

Helps restore normal sleep patterns

Provides balanced state for healthy fat-burning due to increased lean muscle mass

May increases stamina, energy and endurance

May help protect against Fibrocystic Breasts

May help reduce endometrial and breast cancer

May help with Depression

Helps improve blood flow

May help decrease inflammation and joint pain

May help improve skin elasticity

May help normalize blood sugar levels

Supports immune function

May help increase productivity and creativity in personal life

For Men: Bio-identical Hormone Therapy can:

Helps restore optimal hormonal balance to the body

May help men regain vitality

May help improve blood flow

May help increase lean muscle mass and tone

May help improve libido and sexual performance

May more effectively treat hypogonadism

May stimulate sperm production

May help increase energy levels

May help improve concentration and memory

May help reduce Depression

Nourishes all tissues of urinary and reproductive system

May help protect against heart disease

May improve skin elasticity

Encourages bone growth and improves bone density

Helps accelerate fat burning

Helps improve natural sleep cycles

Helps maintain muscle mass

I utilize state of the art pharmacies that custom compound these and other medicines in order to have your hormones individually tailored to your blood chemistry and hormones levels. If you want to improve your vitality, combat disease, and improve your quality of life, then BHRT is for you.