Gain Energy and Lose Weight!

The best way to gain energy is to get fit! Working out leads to many health benefits. You will be mentally sharper, have razor focus, feel more energized and overall look great! Dr. Monte Slater and the team at Slater Aesthetic and Center for Anti-Aging have developed a proven physician supervised weight loss plan. Each and every weight loss plan Dr. Slater creates is tailored to your specific physiology. Blood type, body shape, weight, height, activity level are all taken in to account when developing personalized weight loss plans. Additionally, some men and women may need hormones or other medical help to put your body back into balance.

gain energy lose weight

Gain energy with Dr. Monte Slater’s proven personalized Dr. supervised weight loss programs. Start today! Contact us in Atlanta at (770) 766-9684

Lose weight and gain energy!

There are some huge benefits to getting fit.  Do you dream about spending that hour hike with your spouse or playing catch with your dog? Maybe having a romantic evening with your spouse? With Dr. Slaters Dr. Supervised weight loss program not only will you have all of the above but you will see other benefits…

  • Exercise Boosts Brainpower. …

  • Movement Melts Away Stress. …

  • Exercise Gives You Energy. …

  • It’s Not That Hard to Find Time for Fitness. …

  • Fitness Can Help Build Relationships. …

  • Exercise Helps Ward Off Disease. …

  • Fitness Pumps Up Your Heart. …

  • Exercise Lets You Eat More…

Do you have a lack of energy? Look and feel your best and Gain Energy

As we age, many things happen to our bodies. Some of the obvious aging signs are weight gain, fatigue, lack of sleep and low libido in women and men 40 and older. Start to feel good again with a custom weight loss plan.

How Does The Dr. Supervised Weight Loss Plan Work?

Dr. Monte Slater will begin by taking a blood draw to determine if there is anything working against you. Things like a hormonal imbalance, can play a huge role in your weight gain, and fatigue. Once the results come in Dr. Slater then will advise on a weight loss plan that works for you!

Weight Loss Supplements to Diet and Exercise

After your blood work Dr. Slater may find that you need BHRT or Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. BHRT is hormone therapy that closely matches your natural hormones. they are natural and not synthetic, some studies have shown that BHRT can greatly reduce complications found in HRT.

BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is different from traditional methods as it matches your own body’s hormones, only  they get optimized to how they were when you were a bit younger. 

Hormones are some of the most important molecules that we have in our body; responsible for making our body function at its peak.  As we age, dealing with stress and the toxins in our environment; many people become hormone deficient. This deficiency results in a decline of performance and preemptive aging sets in.

Other Options to Gain Energy

 Physician Supervised Weight Loss Programs Include: 

  • Fat Burners
  • Daily Appetite Suppressants
  • Weekly Lipotropic Injections
  • Nutritional Information
  • Monthly Follow-Up Visits 
  • B-12 Injections

B-12 has shown to increase energy and improve the immune system. The weight loss injections include B-12  as one of the ingredients but also contains fat burning ingredients and vitamins. The injections will  support your metabolism and help you gain energy. The ingredients are compounded by our pharmacy and are safe. 

Additionally, Lipotropic injections are a class of natural ingredients called amino acids. Amino acids play important roles in the body’s use of fat. They enhance the liver and gallbladder’s role by speeding up your metabolism. They also aid in transporting fat and its removal.

Find out more about how you can gain energy and start your weight loss journey! Contact Dr. Slater for your complimentary consultation!

* Results vary and are not guaranteed.


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