Are Men Giving Up On Hair Loss Treatments And Heading Straight For Transplants?

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At Slater Aesthetic we believe that since NeoGraft has been introduced to the us market, this minimally invasive, virtually no down time solution for hair loss, is simply the preferred option for many americans. Though this article published by Huffing Post UK (a year ago) states that only 1 out of 4 men opt for hair transplants, they surely included invasive old methods of hair replacement in this study. NeoGraft hair restoration is both successful and minimally invasive, as well as a great option for multiple treatments, which was never possible before. NeoGraft hair replacement is offered to african americans suffering from hair loss caused by tension alopecia, but not limited to that type of hair loss. Because NeoGraft hair restoration provides solutions for all ethnicities it has become a popular procedure in the U.S.
Dr. Monte Slater opened his Buckhead location in June 2014 and expects to have a busy practice shortly.
“Buckhead Hair Restoration” is excited to have a team of experts offering NeoGraft hair restoration right in the office under local anesthesia.

Source: Huffing Post UK

Men suffering from hair loss may be getting fed up with all the miracle pills and potions being touted on the internet.

According to an opinion poll of hair experts conducted by, there has been a 260% increase in men inquiring about hair transplants, and a staggering 180% increase in men actually traveling abroad for cheaper hair transplant procedures.

HuffPost UK LIfestyle spoke to Dr Maurice Collins, medical director of Hair Restoration Blackrock (HRBR), to find out why there is a surge of interest.

Men suffering from hair loss may be getting fed up with all the miracle pills and potions being touted on the internet.

According to an opinion poll of hair experts conducted by, there has been a 260% increase in men enquiring about hair transplants, and a staggering 180% increase in men actually travelling abroad for cheaper hair transplant procedures.

HuffPost UK LIfestyle spoke to Dr Maurice Collins, medical director of Hair Restoration Blackrock (HRBR), to find out why there is a surge of interest.

The bottom line, says Dr Collins, is that there is no cure for hair loss. “The drugs that are currently available (Minoxidil and Finasteride) can arrest hair loss for a limited number of years but do not reverse hair loss. Hair transplantation takes existing hair from the back of the head and plants it on top and at the front. It restores a hair line and fills in the gaps, but it is not a cure. It is likely that if a cure is found it will come from stem cell research. ”

As for men travelling overseas for the procedure, Turkey has proven to be the destination of choice for UK men, aided by the considerably lower starting costs of £1,619, and affordable flights. India boasts the most competitive average prices starting at just £789, however it may well be the cost of flights that has deterred patients.

So are transplants the only option if you’re worried about your hair? No, says Dr Collins.

“Only one in four men who visit HRBR proceed to have a transplant. For those who choose not to have a transplant, the first option is to accept your hair loss and shave your head. Many men are not too worried about their hair loss and look great with a shaved head – think Andre Agassi or Bruce Willis. Others are not suitable candidates. For example they may not have enough donor hair for transplantation. The donor hair comes from the back of the head, which is immune to hair loss. Budget and age are also factors.

“Many men benefit greatly from taking Minoxidil and Finasteride. The synergistic effect of taking both drugs can arrest hair loss and strengthen the existing hairs for a number of years, which has the effect of more hair, as if the patient has new hair. Young men will often opt for this option for a number of years before considering a hair transplant. Lastly, a patient may not be suitable if their hair loss pattern is not yet established, meaning it would be too soon for a transplant. Men in their mid-thirties and older, where their hair loss pattern is established are more suitable than those in their 20s.”

For men who are considering transplants however, Dr Collins advises doing your research.

“Shop around, compare a few clinics,” he says. “Don’t got for the cheapest. You get what you pay for. Look for a clinic that is run by trained surgeons. Look for experience and qualifications. The industry is currently unregulated, meaning anyone can set up a clinic, a GP, a nurse, a salesman. Make sure your consultation is with the surgeon who will carry out your transplant, not a salesperson. If the consultation is free then it’s a sales pitch not a consultation. Look for patient testimonials on the clinic website.”