The P-Shot is the drug free solution to enhance overall sexual function

P-Shot for men will increase male sexual functionDo you want to enhance overall sexual function? The P-Shot is the drug free solution to enhance overall sexual function and increase the length and girth of the penis.

Decreased sexual function in males can be caused by many factors, and has been the topic of conversation in the medical field for many years. The pharmaceutical companies pound us will commercials of active middle aged to older men who use drugs in order to have an erection.  However, you cannot take these drugs if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, hypertensions, and multiple other problems.  Additionally these drugs can be affected by a plethora of other drugs that many people have to take to stay healthy. What if we were to tell you that you could regain your sexual health without drugs?  Would you try it?  The P-Shot or the Priapus shot is a revolutionary specific way of using blood derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis.  Your spouse would be very happy to see a more excited you! The The P-Shot is not just for middle aged men, yet an awesome natural sexual enhancement on for any men. Young & Old can experience stronger orgasms & harder erections.

Dr. Charles Runnels first designed a way to rejuvenate the face, which he named the Vampire Facial.  Dr. Runnels found that Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) could take a person’s own blood, which holds healing powers, and inject it into skin that needed rejuvenation.  Dr. Runnels discovered that PRP could work to rejuvenate the penis in the same way that PRP rejuvenates skin, and heals damaged cells.  Now Dr. Monte Slater of Slater Aesthetic and Center for Anti-Aging in Buckhead Atlanta, is a certified provider of the P-Shot.  Sr. Slater performs the P-Shot and the results are amazing, especially for patients who cannot take drugs for erectile dysfunction.  You don’t have to have erectile dysfunction to have the P-Shot.  The P-Shot is suitable for all men who want to have a larger and stronger penis, as well as more girth.

What results will I see with the P-Shot?

You will enhance penis size and improve sexual performance
▪   Immediately larger
▪   Strengthen the penis
▪   Straighten the penis
▪   Increase circulation within the penis for a healthier organ.
▪   Make other therapies work better (if you still need Viagra or Cialis, then it will work better for you).
▪   Increase sensation and pleasure (helps correct the damage from diabetes).
▪   Proven to work in multiple studies
▪   Increase size by design (Can place more in base or in the head or wherever makes for best result)
▪   No allergic reactions (using your own body’s fluids).
▪   No lumpiness
What is the P-Shot procedure like?

The Steps of the Priapus Shot®:

▪   A numbing lidocaine cream is applied to the penis. The numbing cream makes the P-Shot painless.
▪   Blood is drawn from the arm (just like when you have a blood test done).
▪   The blood is put in a centrifuge
▪   The platelets are transferred into another tube where a few drops of calcium chloride solution trick the platelets into thinking that they are in the body and the body has been injured.
▪   The platelets release growth factors into the liquid of the tube.
▪   The liquid is transferred into a syringe and injected into the penis using a tiny needle and in a way that distributes the growth factors in the proper way.

Who is a good candidate for the P-Shot?

Anyone! Schedule a consultation today! With two convenient locations in Buckhead and Warren Robbins, start seeing results today.
Dr. Monte Slater, MD, is a double board-certified Physician specializing in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Slater is an  Obstetric/Gynecologic Surgeon with 30 years of experience. He has been practicing in Warner Robins, Georgia for the last 15 years. In 2014, Slater Aesthetic opened their Anti-Aging & Life Extension boutique office as well as Buckhead Hair Restoration in Atlanta.