PRP for Anti-Aging

PRP For Anti-Aging:  The New Fountain Of Youth

Capture the magical healing power within your own blood!

PRP for Anti-AgingDoctor Monte Slater believes in PRP for anti-aging.  PRP treatments for various “Anti-Aging Procedures.”
Offering innovative treatments as an alternative and addition to cosmetic surgery.

The PRP Facial: An anti-aging treatment using your own platelet rich plasma
We offer this Pain Free Micro-Needling Treatment in Atlanta
and Warner Robins.

The procedure involves drawing of one’s own blood and then separating and concentrating the PRP using a specialized centrifuge. The resulting plasma is rich in platelets and growth factors used by the body for tissue healing and regeneration. It is then placed into the skin of the Face, Neck, and Decollate’ using a micro-needling technique. There is an immediate release and infusion of up to eight different growth factors into the skin and dermis that recruit new and powerful stem cells, produce new collagen, and improve vascularization, all of which create younger, healthier skin. It improves the texture, tone and color, reducing fine lines, wrinkles and scars. The best part? It gets better over time, as our body continues to produce collagen over the next several months after the treatment. Oh…and since it is a natural product derived from your own body there is no risk of an allergic reaction!

PRP has also been shown to be effective for Scalp therapy to regrow hair, Soft tissue injection for joint pain and for both men and women who want to rejuvenate and achieve optimal sexual function.
Ask us about the O-Shot for women and P-Shot for men.

To schedule your consult today CLICK HERE