The Silhouette Instalift

silhouette instalift

The Silhouette Instalift With Dr. Slater

Dr. Monte Slater and his team are introducing a new procedure. This procedure is called the Silhouette Instalift. It is a new FDA-approved treatment that addresses mid-facial skin aging. 

Throughout the natural aging process, it is common to lose volume in your cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin. Another major reason for volume loss is smoking and sun damage. These issues may cause overall skin laxity, fine lines, and wrinkles. Fortunately, Instalift can help volumize your mid-facial region without general anesthesia or surgery.

The truth of the matter is, many procedures exist that can address facial aging safely and effectively. However, you’ll find that the Silhouette Instalift offers unique benefits and advantages.

For example, the procedure requires no surgery. This means far less down time than surgical alternatives. Dr. Monte Slater is one of the few surgeons in the United States who will begin offering this treatment soon – offering patients a convenient way to feel more comfortable in their own skin.

Dr. Slater will offer the procedure at the Aesthetic Body Sculpture Clinic & Center For Anti-Aging in Atlanta and Warner Robins. Give us a call at (770)-766-9684 or schedule an appointment online today!

silhouette instalift

The Benefits of Instalift

Did you know that wrinkles, brown spots, and a loss of volume can be treated with procedures like micro-needling and fillers? Still, while these treatments lift layers of your mid-facial skin, they are anything but minimally invasive. These deep layers are one of the major reasons for an aging and exhausted appearance. How can you lift them without going through serious surgery?

The Silhouette Instalift is the answer you’ve been waiting to find. It is effective, unique, and perfect for a moderate loss of volume. Dr. Slater can combine the procedure with ThermiTight for the neck and lower face – though the Thermi treatment will need to take place two to four weeks before the Instalift procedure. 

If you choose to use injectables like Juvederm or Restylane, they may be used after the treatment. You’ll need to speak with Dr. Slater about a specific time frame – depending on your personal experience and medical history.

The Silhouette Instalift will re-contour your face, ultimately lifting those deep layers of skin to create a vibrant and youthful appearance that will make you more confident than ever in your own skin. If Dr. Slater determines Instalift is right for you, you’ll be able to set goals and expectations about what you’d like to see in your transformation.

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The Instalift procedure is not for everyone. In some cases, a traditional facelift is best. You’ll find that Instalift works best for mild or moderate cases of volume loss. If you are facing significant volume loss, Instalift cannot promise optimum results. 

When you choose Instalift, you’ll see immediate results. You won’t experience any recovery time following the procedure. If you notice swelling or bruising, seek a topical or oral product such as Arnica for relief.

Instalift results can last anywhere from eighteen months to two years. Give us a call for a free consultation today!


silhouette instalift great liposuction results restylane