The O-Shot and P-Shot will have you saying Ooooh All Night Long!

o-shot and p-shot for improving sex problemsThe O-Shot can improve the female’s sex life and reduce pain during intercourse for women. The P-Shot for men can directly impact the female sexual satisfaction with penis rejuvenation, without the use of harmful medication. Aesthetic Body Scupture Clinic and Center For Anti-Aging located in Buckhead, Atlanta, and Warren Robbins is the leading physician in the Atlanta area performing O-Shot and P-Shot, and Vampire Procedures.

Millions of men and women over 40 experience a sexual dysfunction of some sort. For many women, it could be pain and discomfort, and for men erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual problems men face. There is a life transforming procedure that uses your own blood cells to rejuvenate your body, the O-Shot and P-Shot.

Our blood cells were made to heal, Charles Runels, MD took the Vampire® procedure he invented and thought that he could use the same theory to rejuvenate sex lives. The Vampire® procedures, use the healing power within your own blood, and when re-injected aids in the healing process of degenerated skin cells, to regenerate broken down cells. Dr. Runels discovered that this procedure using PRP, platelet rich plasma, the healing power within our own blood, does in fact work to rejuvenate the sexual organs in men and women

What is the P-Shot? The P-shot is for Men

The P-Shot or Priapus Shot ®: A SPECIFIC WAY (protected by the US Patent & Trademark office) of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis (also known as the P-Shot™).

What Results could I see with the P-Shot?

Your results may vary from person to person, but after extensive research we have found that many men will see the following results from the P-Shot…

  1. Larger size and girth
  2. Strengthen the penis
  3. Straighten the penis
  4. Increase circulation
  5. Increase sensation, and pleasure


Here is a quote from a patient, “One inch longer in girth and length and concrete!”

This can help both men and women in their sex lives. First of all, due to the increase of girth and hardness, the sensation, and length of sex between partners will ultimately be better.

The O-Shot can help women with sexual dysfunction, painful intercourse, and urinary incontinence.

The o-shot has found that when platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected, and then stem cells multiply and grow new younger tissue. In the same way PRP regenerates the skin of the face, it appears PRP regenerates healthy vaginal tissue. So, using this same technology, the O-Shot procedure works by using PRP to stimulate stem cells to grow healthier vaginal tissue. Additionally, the O-Shot is known to aid in urinary incontinence, so no more running to the bathroom every second, also no need for the dreaded incontinence undies.

What results will I see with the O-Shot?  These are the top ten benefits of the O-Shot, you will literally be saying ooooooh all the way home. Schedule Today

  1. Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  2. Younger, smoother skin of the vulva (lips of the vagina).
  3. A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)
  4. Stronger orgasm
  5. More frequent orgasm
  6. Increased sexual desire
  7. Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
  8. Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  9. Increased natural lubrication
  10. Decreased urinary incontinence

Dr. Monte Slater is certified to perform the O-Shot and P-Shot, only privileged doctors who are licensed and a part of the provider group may perform the O-Shot and P-Shot.

Dr. Monte Slater, MD, is a double board-certified Physician specializing in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Slater is an Obstetric/Gynecologic Surgeon with 30 years of experience. He has been practicing in Warner Robins, Georgia for the last 15 years. In 2014, Slater Aesthetic opened their Anti-Aging & Life Extension boutique office as well as Buckhead Hair Restoration in Atlanta.