ThermiSmooth Your Non-Surgical Solutions To Tighter Skin

Looking for a pain-free solution for skin tightening and cellulite reduction ? ThermiSmooth is here to save your day!

Are you struggling to accept the lose skin on your thighs or arms? You have nothing to fear – we’re going to teach  you about a lunch break treatment called ThermiSmooth.

Dr. Slater and his team at Slater Aesthetic can help you achieve your “perfect look” by using ThermiSmooth – a clinically proven skin tighening procedure that doesn’t require major surgery to improve skin laxity. If you’re looking to reduce your cellulite, tighten your skin, and improve your self-esteem (without the plastic surgery) – we’re here to help. This treatment is ideal for women that have moderate skin laxity, and a few pounds to lose. 

ThermiSmooth treatments are ideal for young female patients who have recently delivered babies, both males and females who have recently lost weight, and middle-aged or older patients who simply want to tighten loose skin that occurs within the natural aging process. All of these people are, understandably, looking to smoothen their skin. With the aid of ThermiSmooth Face and Body, we can make that happen.

Both procedures are non-invasive, yet extremely effective. They are offered in the Buckhead-Atlanta Office and Warner Robins Office, along with ThermiTight (which is a minimally invasive option for skin tightening). As recently as last year, ThermiVa began at our offices for female rejuvenation. We pride ourselves in our ability to treat our patients – You can read our many Reviews Here.

ThermiSmooth Face is performed using a special thermistor-regulated handpiece. The handpiece gently heats the skin’s surface (using dermal heating). This piece is  able to target problem areas around the eyes, cheeks, mouth, and neck. This gentle heating stimulates collagen remodeling. It’s safe, non-invasive, and requires only three to six treatments.

ThermiSmooth Body is a slightly different treatment – performed by targeting areas under the skin and providing  reduction of cellulite. We can treat anything from your chin, arms, abdomen, buttocks, ankles, to your thighs. You’ll be finished within six to eight weeks. If you come in once per week for your lunch break treatment. It takes about 30-40 minutes beginning to finish.  All treatments are gentle. Many of our patients say it feels like receiving a warm, hot-stone massage.

Both procedures are designed to be relaxing and, most importantly, non-invasive. We can’t stress enough how relieved our patients are to know that they won’t be going under the knife to change their skin. You can have smooth, tight skin in a matter of weeks – and you can do it affordably, without scarring your body or putting yourself through a large amount of stress.

Our job is to change your life in a positive way, without leaving marks or hurting your self-esteem. ThermiSmooth is our way of keeping you confident, happy, and beautiful.

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At Slater Aesthetic and Center For Anti-Aging, we treat a large number of patients. Many of them are hoping for a more comfortable life – where they can feel confident without needing plastic surgery or invasive procedures. We are proud to say that we can provide all of those things, and more.


We look forward to seeing you soon!