Vampire Breast Lift ® Procedure

The Vampire Breast Lift

Created and registered by Charles Runels, Dr. Monte Slater is a Vampire Procedure Provider and Vampire Procedure Physician Trainer in Atlanta Georgia! 


The  Vampire Breast Lift as well as all Vampire procedures were designed to make individual patients feel more comfortable in their respective bodies. So far, they have greatly succeeded in that effort. Word about Vampire procedures has spread rapidly over the past several months. If you’re just hearing about them for the first time, you’re in for a treat.

Right now, we’re here to talk about the Vampire Breast Lift procedure – a favorite of our patients. If you’ve heard about the Vampire Breast Lift procedure, but you aren’t quite sure how it works, we’re here to answer your questions.

How does the Vampire Breast Lift Work?

First, an injector isolates growth factors from the patient’s blood. When these growth factors enter the breast (injected by Dr. Monte Slater), multi-potent stem cells become activated to grow new tissue. This new tissue includes new collagen, new fatty tissue (for smoothness), and new blood vessels (for a healthy glow).

Dr. Runels came up with the idea of the Vampire Breast Lift procedure on the heels of his Vampire Facelift success, which quickly was Hollywood’s favorite treatment. For the breast lift treatment – in no more than fifteen minutes – Dr. Slater will draw your blood, extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your blood, and then inject it back into your breasts. If you’d prefer a more in-depth walk-through of the breast lift treatment, Dr. Slater is prepared to answer your questions when you come in for your free consultation.

In an effort to solve the potential issues of unnatural shaping and aging that can occur with traditional breast implant procedures, doctors have started taking fat out of other parts of the body and putting it back in to the breast. This ensures a better lasting result.

Doctor Monte Slater is a fat transfer procedure expert – and often combines fat transfer to the breast along with giving PRP injections. In every situation, he promises great results.

After undergoing a breast lift, patients can expect their breasts to appear perkier and rounder – any scars or stretch marks should be less visible, and nipples may be more sensitive. Clearly, this isn’t meant to take the place of a surgical enlargement. Instead, it’s a procedure designed to make one’s breasts a better fit for the invented standard of “breast beauty”. In other words, you’ll feel better about the way you look.

It takes about two months for results to reach their peak. After that, they last for about a year.

The procedure is ideal for women with:

  • Firm Breasts
  • Small Breasts
  • Medium Breasts
  • Large Breasts
  • Sensation Loss / After Breast Augmentations

Small or medium size breasts, that have a small amount of volume loss, can benefit from a Vampire Breast Lift treatment because it will enhance their size or shape. Women with larger, but fairly firm, breasts that want to enhance cleavage or shape can also benefit from this procedure.

Slater Aesthetic & Center for Anti-Aging is a registered provider for the Vampire Breast Lift Procedure. Dr. Slater offers the Vampire Breast Lift with fat transfer at his office in Atlanta and in Warner Robins.

Dr. Slater is also a O-Shot and P-Shot provider and is authorized by Dr. Runels to teach and train other physicians to perform the Vampire procedures. For More Information, Please Contact Us Today! You can also View Our Specials,