Lip Gloss in a Syringe, is that one of the secrets helping AGING Hollywood Stars looking youthful and amazing? Clownish, overinflated lips are passe. Volbella is one of the latest injectables (hyaluronic acid filler) that is meant to fill out furrows and impart a luscious, hydrated pout. “It softens the lines around the lips and is also perfect for a subtle fullness of the lips. Volbella is perfect for a very natural-looking result, which lasts an average of 6 months. “We think of it like LIP GLOSS in a syringe.” Volbella can also be used in other areas of the face. Ask your physician about the best uses for this injectable. The price point of Volbella is around $400-$450 (the dosage is 0.5ml per syringe).
Volbella for beautiful Lips – Before and after – Real patient
Injectables that Turn back the Clock and make you look Youthful longer!
Multiple Uses for Sculptra Injectables Yes, let us expand on that one. Sculptra is not an HA Filler and is said to be perfect for the 40 + crowd to enhance collagen production and restore lost volume. Now physicians are using Sculptra to do entire butt lifts. Read more>>>
Kybella Injectable for Double Chins and is now being used for droopy Jowls, yes.. there is more to this injectable called Kybella. Kybella can potentially be ideal for the lower face and the volume loss that occurs in the jowls as you age. This seems to be the area where the first true signs of aging are visible. The hands the neck and jowls can be treated nonsurgically at our office. Ask us about treatment options to maintain your youthful look longer.
Restylane Lyft for natural looking cheeks Volume is good over injected not so much. Restylane Lyft is also perfect for various areas in the face including mid-face drooping and depressions under the eye area. The product’s molecules are small enough to reduce these depressions without lumpiness.
Restylane REFYNE AND DEFYNE injectables were developed to diminish smile lines without looking unnatural. DEFYYNE was designed for deeper lines around the Naso-labial folds. Think D for deep lines. REFYNE was developed for softer lines in the same area think R for reducing soft lines. There are many other injectables being offered at our clinic, and Dr. Slater can best determine what your best option is. Maintain your youthful look with injectables and minimally invasive procedures.
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